Treatment Models and Settings for People with Co-Occurring Disorders- Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders (3 credit hours)

Program Summary:  This course explores the co-occurrence of substance use disorders and mental disorders.  It examines treatment models and settings, including intensive case management, assertive community treatment, therapeutic communities, and more.   Common medications that clients with CODs may be taking are discussed.  The reading includes Chapter 7 of SAMHSA’s TIP 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders.

This course is recommended for social workers, counselors, and therapists and it is appropriate for beginning and intermediate levels of practice.  

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Readings:  Chapter 7-Tip 42 Substance Use Disorder Treatment for People with Co-Occurring Disorders

Publisher:  SAMHSA

Course Objectives: To enhance professional practice, values, skills, and knowledge by examining treatment models and settings for people with co-occurring disorders.

Learning Objectives:  Compare the ACT, ICM, and mutual support treatment models.  Describe the modified therapeutic community approach for clients with CODs.  Identify when to refer a client for medication management.  Identify common medications for depression, anxiety, AUD, and OUD.

Review our pre-reading study guide.

Course Available Until: March 31, 2025.

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1: Using the Four Quadrant Model, which of the following best describes Category II?
2: Which of the following is the preferred method of treatment because it addresses all of a client's diagnoses and symptoms within one service system/agency/program and through a single team of providers working closely together?
3: Which of the following is an example of what counselors and administrators can do to reduce barriers to care?
4: Which population is especially vulnerable to treatment access challenges and poor outcomes?
5: The _______________ model of care is considered a best practice for serving people with CODs.
6: An essential feature of ACT is that services are provided
7: An essential feature of ACT is that
8: Which treatment model emerged as a strategy in the late 1980s and early 1990s and was designed as a thorough, long-term service to assist clients with SMI by establishing and maintaining linkages with community-based service providers?
9: Which of the following best describes ICM?
10: Dual recovery mutual-support program fellowships
11: The Therapeutic Community views substance misuse as a disorder of
12: Pearce and Pickard suggest that TCs are effective because of their ability to promote in clients
13: Using Exhibit 7.3, which of the following is not a TC modification for people with CODs?
14: Which type of SUD treatment program is the most common form of SUD treatment setting in this country.
15: Helping clients understand the connection between substance use and _________ can help them understand the need for treatment.
16: Better retention in residential SUD treatment settings is linked to
17: Following discharge from residential treatment, clients should be engaged in continuing care services for a minimum of _________ following discharge.
18: More than ____________ percent of primary care visits are related to psychosocial needs.
19: Which of the following is a reason for a nonprescribing behavioral health professional to refer a client for medication management?
20: In 2019, the FDA approved the first ever nasal spray _______________, derived from a pain reliever called ketamine.
21: The most common classes of FDA-approved medication for anxiety are antidepressants and
22: __________ are the most common medications for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
23: For attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, typically a ___________ medication is prescribed first.
24: Ample research strongly supports the effectiveness of MAT for OUD in

In order to purchase or take this course, you will need to log in. If you do not have an account, you will need to register for a free account.

After you log in, a link will appear here that will allow you to purchase this course.

G.M. Rydberg-Cox, MSW, LSCSW is the Continuing Education Director at Free State Social Work and responsible for the development of this course.  She received her Masters of Social Work in 1996 from the Jane Addams School of Social Work at the University of Illinois-Chicago and she has over 20 years of experience.  She has lived and worked as a social worker in Chicago, Boston, and Kansas City. She has practiced for many years in the area of hospital/medical social work.  The reading materials for this course were developed by another organization.