References for Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Caseworkers and Agencies

Bath, Eraka, Elizabeth Barnert, Sarah Godoy, Ivy Hammond, Sangeeta Mondals, David Farabee, and Christine Grella. 2020. “Substance Use, Mental Health, and Child Welfare Profiles of Juvenile Justice-Involved Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth.” Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology.
Gibbs, Deborah A., Sue Aboul-Hosn, and Marianne N. Kluckman. 2020. “Child Labor Trafficking within the US: A First Look at Allegations Investigated by Florida’s Child Welfare Agency.” Journal of Human Trafficking 6 (4): 435-449.
Gonzalez-Pons, Kwynn M., Lindsay Gezinski, Hanna Morzenti, Elizabeth Hendrix, and Shelby Graves. 2020. “Exploring the Relationship between Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Myths, Victim Identification, and Service Provision.” Child Abuse & Neglect 100: 104093.
Hemmings, Stacey, Sharon Jakobowitz, Melanie Abas, Debra Bick, Louise M. Howard, Nicky Stanley, Cathy Zimmerman, and Sian Oram. 2016. “Responding to the Health Needs of Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Systematic Review.” BMC Health Services Research 16 (1): 320.
Hounmenou, Charles, and Caitlin O’Grady. 2019. “A Review and Critique of the U.S. Responses to the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.” Children and Youth Services Review 98 (March): 188-98.
Latzman, Natasha E., Deborah A. Gibbs, Rose Feinberg, Marianne N. Kluckman, and Sue Aboul-Hosn. 2019. “Human Trafficking Victimization among Youth Who Run Away from Foster Care.” Children and Youth Services Review 98: 113-124.
Middleton, Jennifer S, Sandra L Bloom, Jessica Strolin-Goltzman, and James Caringi. 2019. “Trauma-Informed Care and the Public Child Welfare System: The Challenges of Shifting Paradigms: Introduction to the Special Issue on Trauma-Informed Care.” Journal of Public Child Welfare Journal of Public Child Welfare 13 (3): 235-44.
Munro-Kramer, Michelle, Dana Beck, Kristen Choi, Rebecca Singer, Annemarie Gebhard, and Bridgette Carr. 2020. “Human Trafficking Victim’s Service Needs and Outcomes: An Analysis of Clinical Law Data.” Journal of Human Trafficking 6 (1): 95-108.
Pascual-Leone, Antonio, Jean Kim, and Orrin-Porter Morrison. 2017. “Working with Victims of Human Trafficking.” Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 47 (1): 51-59.
Peck, Jessica L. 2020. “Human Trafficking of Children: Nurse Practitioner Knowledge, Beliefs, and Experience Supporting the Development of a Practice Guideline: Part Two.” Journal of Pediatric Health Care 34 (2): 177-190.
Reid, Joan A., Michael T. Baglivio, Alex R. Piquero, Mark A. Greenwald, and Nathan Epps. 2019. “No Youth Left behind to Human Trafficking: Exploring Profiles of Risk.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 89 (6): 704.
Songs, Paula, and Janice Joseph. 2020. “Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in the United States: A Victim-Centered Approach.” In An International Perspective on Contemporary Developments in Victimology, 137-149. Springer.
Twis, Mary K. 2020. “Risk Factor Patterns in Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Relationships.” Journal of Human Trafficking 6 (3): 309-326.
Yampolskaya, Svetlana, John Robst, and Mary I. Armstrong. 2020. “High Cost Child Welfare Cases: Child Characteristics and Child Welfare Services.” Children and Youth Services Review 111: 104853.